Fake it till you make it or just fake?
Okay ladies, lets not pretend like any of us knows what's going on in the fashion industry these days.
Even the big industry leaders and 'well known' influencers most of us follow on social media seem to be a bit lost. I love to catch the trends and ride that wave as much as the next girl but sometimes I feel like I'm starting to blend in too much, trust me its possible to be 'too trendy.' I started losing myself and to be frank it felt really FAKE. On so many levels, not just fashion. I found myself thinking "Who am I?!"
So with that being said I thought "hey there is no way that I'm the only one who feels this way!" Now here I am coming to all of you to share what I can, learn what I can and hopefully help anyone else who shares my dilemma. Enter Glamify! To me the word Glamify is a verb. It is the action you take to make something look or feel more 'glam' which I also believe is subjective. I mean really, I'm done letting someone else tell me what looks 'glam' or good even. None of us have the exact same body type and some prefer comfort while others prefer sparkles, yes i know you can have both. I truly believe to Glamify your wardrobe or house or hell even your pet is defined by you and only you and how you feel; NO MORE FAKING IT. The fun part of all this will be that we can Glamify our lives. I know that's what I'm trying to do on a personal level not just vanity. My simple but fun objective with this blog is to bring forward reviews and experiences of products, clothing, home decor and positive energy to a community where all of us can leave feeling just a little bit more glamorous and so you can feel confident when you Glamify your own stuff and maybe even your life.
